Teaching and Lectures


Dortmund University of Technology, University of Dohuk

Bachelor Program - Urban and regional Planning

Module: Sustainable Transport - online lectures

Oktober 2015

CIPSEM - University of Technology Dresden and UNEP / UNESCO / BMUB

international post graduate program on climate policy

Module: Transport and climate change

Mach and September 2015

Eurist - University of Technology Hamburg Harburg - German environmental Agency (UBA)

Urban Transport Weeks

Lecture Series in three modules: 1.) Metropolitan accesibility; 2.) Cycling and walking; 3.) Urban logistics

Conception, Organisation and Lectures in the modules 1.) Metropolitan accesibility and 2.) Walking and cycling

January 2015

CODATU Conference - Istanbul


Success factors for urban ropeway systems in developing counties

October 2014

UATP Congress - Johannesburg


Urban ropeways as parts of sustainable urban transport networks in developing countries

October 2014

CIPSEM - University of Technology Dresden and UNEP / UNESCO / BMUB

international post-graduate program

Short courses on sustainable Transport


- Consumer prices in transport - internal and external costs

- Freight transport

- Sustainable development goals

- Institutional and legal frameworks

- Urban public transport in developing countries - newest developments

Summer 2013

Eurist - Schmidt Foundation - Universities of Technology Dresden, Hamburg, Dortmund, Munich, Berlin and University of Frankfurt

Cycling Cities - Best practice in cycling policy

Lecture series in 6 German universities

Conception, Organisation and Lectures

Winter 2011 / 2012

University of Technology - Darmstadt, IWAR Institute, Spatial planning and Infrastructure planning

Research associate and lecturer

Integrated Planning Project I

Bases of Urban Planning and Design

Summer 2011

University of Seville - Department of Geography


Best practice in Cycling policy, lessons learned from Velo-City Seville 2011

Autumn 2010

UN-Habitat / UATP / GIZ - Expert meeting on Non motorized transport


Cycling policy and Cycling transformation in Seville / Spain